Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Aunt Christine & Breanna.

Jason & his little sister, Christine.


Aunt Teri & Aunt Christine

Grandpa Joe & Breanna

The Easter bunny left this basket for Kalyn at grandpa Joe's.

& the bunny left this for Breanna at grandpa Joe's.

I told Kalyn to wave at Bryan.

Baby sissy enjoying the her new ride!

Kalyn getting a closer look at the plastic egg tree.

Kalyn found a tree with plastic eggs in them!

Kalyn & Breanna in their new wagon!
baby sissy asleep

Kalyn got a new Ruby & Max dvd!

Yummmm, this chocolate candy is good!


TeriW said...

Loved the pics..and enjoyed the time I got to spend with them, too. That Kaylin is a corker! LOL...I just love those young'uns!!

Earl and Gail said...

Oh my goodness, that picture of Breanna sleeping with her legs spread like that is hilarious! I can't believe how big the girls are getting. Can't wait to see baby boy Coyle. Joshua. Thanks for sharing! I forgot to take pictures here on Easter.